CDS Dundee/Scotland (Aug 2007)

Try to imagine that Vangelis was a member of Tangerine Dream throughout the 70's and 80's and they made an album together, then you are coming closer to getting a feel for how this album sounds.
it's an album that should be required classroom listening by the whole of the Berlin and Euro-synth schools - because it shows you the sheer emotional perfection of brevity.
Across 17 tracks, Quaeschning puts more feeling into two minutes of his music than practically anyone else around the synth music scene right now.
With tracks from two to thirteen minutes long, he's produced a master-class of an album.
where every note counts, where rhythms are accompanied by space and texture, and where expanse and emotion are just simply heavenly.
Overall, it's a totally spellbinding album of slowly unfolding, varied yet emotionally thematically linked, glorious sounding, uplifting and highly enjoyable synths-based music that is a total treat on the ears."

Guts of Darkness:The French Website of Dark, Ambient & Experimental Music / France

I was very astonished by the quality of Somnambulistic Tunes. It is a work conceived with tact worthy of renown artists. It is obvious that Thorsten Quaeschning is very talented and has a very visual direction of writing. Eyes close, we palpate the insane and neurosis glances of these actors of the silent ages which had from their faces what the voice did not give. Here, Picture Palace Music gives to faces the missing colors and to the film a sound dimension with the heavy, dark orchestrations and of a romantic neurotic. A great surprise.

Synthmusic-Direct / UK

Even though this album does show Tangerine Dream influences on quite a few tracks, Thorsten also takes things off in different directions letting the film that influenced the work lead him where it will, giving the project an identity of its own.

Musikzirkus-Magazin / Germany

Bei Manikin Records erschien im Juni 2007 die erste CD eines Projektes mit dem Namen PicturePalace music. Hinter diesem Namen steht der Keyboarder Thorsten Quaeschning, der seit 2003 als Musiker bei der Elektroniklegende Tangerine Dream Mitglied ist.
Thorsten Quaeschning hat mit „Somnambulistic Tunes" ein klasse Album herausgebracht und damit eine hervorragende Umsetzung des Filmklassikers geschaffen. Die Musik befindet sich zwar in der Nähe von Tangerine Dream, enthält aber genug eigene Elemente. Wer z. B. die CD „Summer In Nagasaki" von Tangerine Dream mag, der wird dieses Album ebenfalls mögen. Mir gefällt „Somnambulistic Tunes" sehr gut. Ich bin gespannt und hoffe auf weitere Veröffentlichungen seines Projektes.

eclipsed Art Progressive Psychedelic Classic Hard Rock März 08

Hinter Picture Palace music verbirgt sich Thorsten Quaeschning, der seit Jerome Froeses Ausstieg bei Tangerine Dream den zweiten Platz hinter deren Keyboard-Burgen einnimmt. Das hör man auch heraus, denn die Nähe zum TD-Kosmos ist permanent spürbar. Dennoch bekommt man mit diesem Projekt andere Sounds und Vibrations geliefert. Die Eröffnung kommt dramatisch-symphonisch. Danach ertönen sakrale synthetische Chöre. "Night Night "night" klingt weniger kunstbemüht, mehr wie ein Hollywood-Soundtrack-Thema und "Help Murder Help" ist dann diese typische TD-Sequenzerkost. In zwei Titeln berauscht zudem ein Saxophon die Sinne.

Keyboads 04/08 / Germany

. Das Ergebnis ist ein gelungenes Surrogat … beklemmender Filmmusikthemen.

Sonicimmersion / Netherlands

From the start it appeared to me the music fortunately doesnt have that clinical sound that quite some of the recent TD albums suffered from.
The music of Symphony for Vampires contains quite some progrock influences, as the instrumental electronics get company of drums, bass and guitar on various tracks, which occasionally also feature some vocals.
Demeter-morph and Scholomance trance are great pulsating tracks on the album,
Towards the end, the melodic Ligeias wake is another strong effort with great groovy bass currents, followed a straight rock piece.
The 8-minute ambient piece Liliths Cradlesong finds Thorsten playing some intimate piano, which later takes a dynamic turn. The closing vocal track is a nice pop song that keeps singing in your head after the cd has ended.
All in all, Symphony for Vampires is an enjoyable, well composed and produced album. / Germany

Diesen letzten Song kann ich mir gut im Abspann eines Filmes vorstellen (zum Beispiel bei James Bond).
Sehr gut gefallen mir die Stücke, an denen Thorsten beteiligt ist. Die sind mehr elektronisch und in ihnen weht auch ein Hauch von Tangerine Dream. Auch die Stücke, für die Sascha Beator verantwortlich ist, gehen in diese Richtung. „Celebreating Fears Part 4 ist eine Klangmalerei, die eine unheimliche Stimmung erzeugt. Hier setzt Thorsten mal nicht auf Melodie.
„Vlad, Anton, Rüdiger, das aus der Feder von Don Wuttke stammt, weist neben den typischen Electronics auch Gitarre und Schlagzeug auf. Hier wird es dann ein wenigrockiger, was der Produktion aber gut zu Gesicht steht. .
Danach folgt das Pianostück „Liliths Cradlesong, das sehr klassisch wirkt und bei dem Thorsten seine ganze Fingerfertigkeit beweisen kann.. Das abschließende „The End Of The End Of Everything hinterlässt dann durch seine eingehende Melodie, der Instrumentierung und dem Gesang einen recht rockigen Eindruck. Der Song gefällt mir wirklich gut.
„Symphony For Vampires ist ein sehr kompaktes Album, da die Stücke alle nahtlos ineinander übergehen und die CD bis auf einen Titel sehr stimmig ist. Insgesamt hinterlässt das Album einen guten Eindruck, aus diesem Grund kann die CD auch allen Elektronikfreunden empfohlen werden. Auf jeden Fall lohnt sich ein Probe hören.

Electroambient Space

Known for his recent participation with Tangerine Dream, Thorsten Quaeschning is carving out his own unique niche in EM with his music inspired by silent films, this being his second such outing, this time based on Nosferatu. Quaeschning presents a fully developed thematic work with an ensemble cast, including players on guitars, synths, drums, bass, clarinet, voice, and something called an Irish Bouzouki.
The end result provides a compelling story in music and words. It plays very much like a soundtrack, part symphony, part synthesizers and rock music. Some tracks are upbeat, some are uplifting, and some are low-key, even sad Often the music has powerful emotional impact, as on the majestic, sweeping Knock Knock and Demeter-morph, both aided by a strong rhythmic component that really drives the music home.
More relaxed moods are explored equally effectively on gentler numbers such as Sleep well, Elisabeth. Both the quieter and louder tracks have strong guitar solos, and the one here is particularly nice, adding depth without overpowering the softer elements. On the other hand, Scholmance Trance totally rocks! This is as varied a release as Ive heard on the Manikin Records label, and while it may surprise EM purists I hope they will give it a chance, as it is excellent.

Eclipsed 09/08
8 von 10 Punkten

Picture Palace music alias Thorsten Quaeschning (Tangerine Dream-Keyboarder und Gitarrist) bietet dieses Mal vielseitigere und durchweg gelungene Klang-Collagen.
„Knock Knock fährt in punkto Dramatik massive hymnische Chöre, Gitarren und Drums auf.
„Mental Undead nähert sich strukturell stärker dem Horror-Genre an, auch wenn der schleichende Schrecken gerade mit sanfter Klampfe im mysteriös vor sich hinwabernden „Waving goodbye, waving waving perfekt zum Ausdruck kommt.
„Celebrating pt. 4 bietet wahrhaftKlang gewordene Klaustrophobie.
Dafür gibt es mit dem wunderbaren „Vlad, Anton, Ruediger einen regelrechten Elektronik-Rock-Hit und „Liltih..s Cradlesong badet acht herrliche Minuten lang in puren Klaviertönen, bevor eine Art 80er-Romantik-Popsong („The end of the end of everything) die CD zu ihrem Ende bringt.

The French Magazine of Dark & Experimental Music

Electronic symphony or electronic opera, PPM offers 66 minutes of music well structured where the breaths of the blood suckers hoot in a musical fauna which combine as well contemporary EM, techno and symphonic rock on melodious structures where nostalgia flatters an eclectic force After a shimmering intro, Knock Knock bursts on great percussions, releasing a heavy atmosphere on a throbbing tempo with a good pulsating bass which paves the way to an aggressive guitar.
Alucard looks like a dialogue between mythical presences; on a tempo fractured by several rolls of drums and a guitar harmoniously celestial which operates its charm throughout this PPM 2nd effort.
a dark corridor hysterico-psychedelic which leads to the very beautiful and melancholic Waving goodbye, waving waving
A superb track of an apocalyptic softness which really points out vampiric odes, as well as on Sleep well, Elisabeth and Yersenia Sea; ambient titles which seem to get out of the gives cold in the back From astral ambient that haunts our ears, Demeter-morph and Scholomance Trance light fires of rhythms with good percussions, good guitars and hatched twists which braises in a superb orchestration. Thorsten Quaeschning continues to astonish. He has a very poetic musical vision which furnishes its imaginations as well as we perceive it. Symphony For Vampires is a superb album of a contemporary music which flees the stereotypes to charm, astonish and move.

Jacob Pertou live Review Walpurgisnacht 08

It was a very special night out. I'm glad I showed up.
that, the band looks very gothic. They mostly play on black instruments, dressed from head to foot in black, in front of meter long black curtains. This really wins my full accept!
Then it was time for a "relaxed", but raw performance from PPM with an energetic Thorsten in front of his full set-up of instruments.
I think the new album is a tad stronger than the previous. It smells like team spirit and gothic darkness, although tonights highlight, for me, was Invastigation from Somnambulistic Tunes, the Myspace one-hit-wonder& Metropolis Theme
The track to make the biggest impression is Liliths Cradle Song. On "Symphony for Vampires", an eight and a half minutes long, airy piano piece with more silence than actual music. My greatest fascination was Thorstens ability to shut the mouths on the annoying bloke behind me, those of which, Ive already had left behind. It was almost magic.
The opening of next track, was Thorsten pressing a a button on his Schrittmacher, responding with a jackhammer sequence, encouraging to irregular dancing and lightning fast keyboard solos. I have never seen its likeness before. Fantastic.
I can warmly recommend that all you TD fans make a mental note of a Picture Palace Music live event, once its announced. Their approach is very LIVE, and highly recommended.
As previously mentioned, the highlight was the ingenious Metropolis Theme
In the last song, The End of the End of Everything, Stoppel sings with his dark goth voice, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Ville Valo from HIM. With his hair dyed into black, he poses like a real rock star, stuck in a film noir. Another accomplished gimmick - very well done!
Fantastic excursion.